Thursday, April 14, 2016

Due Date Twins

     Last fall, it was very important to me to meet other soon-to-be moms. I knew maternity leave would be busy, but also kind of lonely without adult interaction. Therefore, I joined a group on in which other women were doing the same thing. Through this site, I have met some very kind and friendly people. One of those moms had the same due date as me. We kept in touch and Zella was born just two days before her baby girl, Mabel. Now that both moms are feeling more recovered and the weather is getting better, Mabel and Zella have enjoyed going on walks at the park and discussing the latest onesie fashions. ;) These girls are too cute, and we can't wait until they are running around really playing with each other at the park together.

Cruisin' and Snoozin'